Appearance Protection

Keep your vehicle looking newer longer.

Lithia's Appearance Protection provides maximum defenses for your vehicle's exterior and interior treated surfaces by utilizing the latest technology advancements in surface protection products. The program provides protection for exterior painted surfaces, interior carpet, fabric, leather and vinyl surfaces. Coupled with superior warranty coverage, Lithia's Appearance Protection Program will help to keep your vehicle looking new longer!

Examples of items Interior Protection helps protect against.

Interior Protection

Interior protection provides coverage from oil and water based stains, damaging UV rays, odors caused by food or drink spills, rips, tears and burns. Should covered fabric, leather or vinyl damage occur, we will repair or replace the damaged area with zero out-of-pocket expense to you. Below are some items that interior protection can help protect against.

Examples of items Interior Protection helps protect against.

“I have purchased an appearance protection plan for my last 2 vehicles. The paint protection has always kept my paint shining bright and the interiors looking great. I had a couple incidents that we're repaired and the process was always quick and easy. I highly recommend the program. It is definitely one of those “glad I have it” when you least expect it moments.”

- Drew A.

Exterior Protection

Exterior Protection is applied to the exterior surfaces of your vehicle and helps protect against environmental elements. Should covered surface damage occur, we will repair or replace the damaged area with zero out-of-pocket expense to you. Below are some items that exterior protection can help protect against.

Examples of items Exterior Protection helps protect against.

“Always completely satisfied with coverage and recommend everyone to invest in this for their vehicles. I am above satisfied with the service I've received these past years. They are always professional and exceeding expectations.”

- Alicia D.

Additional Benefits

  • No per-occurrence limit
  • No out-of-pocket expense
  • Convenient & hassle-free claims process
  • Mobile technicians utilized, when available

Appearance Protection could be for you if:

  • You have children or pets
  • Drink or eat in your vehicle
  • Live in an area with periods of intense heat
  • Your vehicle is not garaged
  • You live in an area with harsh winters
  • You want your vehicle to look newer longer
  • You want to protect yourself from a potential excessive wear and tear bill, at the end of your lease
  • When the time comes to trade-in or sell your vehicle, you can likely get a higher value

Not All Vehicles Are Eligible - Exclusions May Apply
The information above is to provide a summary of the coverages and benefits that Appearance Protection provides. Exact terms, conditions and exclusions can be found on the Appearance Protection Contract.